IRD Verified "Nepal E-Billing System in Nepal" along with "NFRS-Based Reporting System"

Find the next-gen Billing

system for your accounting needs.

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NFRS Based

IRD Certified VAT Billing

In an era of digital transformation, Nepal is stepping up its efforts to modernize its financial systems and enhance transparency with the introduction of the IRD Verified Nepal E-Billing System.

  • IRD Approved VAT Billing

  • VAT and Purchase Books

  • NFRS Ready Chart of Accounts



Financial Data & Analysis

In an era where data is the driving force behind informed decisions, Nepal E-Billing System has emerged as a game-changer by ushering in a new era of real-time financial data and analysis.

  • Daily Report

  • Analysis of yearly data

  • Profit and Loss Analysis

  • Cash Flow Analysis

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and Billing

Effortlessly manage invoicing and billing with our intuitive accounting software. Create professional invoices, accept online payments, and automate recurring billing. Track payments and generate insightful reports for improved financial efficiency. Simplify your invoicing process and save time with our powerful feature.


    Fixed Assets

    & Inventory management

    Effortlessly manage inventory and fixed assets with our advanced accounting software. Gain control, visibility, and optimal stock levels. Track depreciation, manage purchase orders, and monitor inventory in real-time. Make informed decisions for maximum efficiency and profitability.

    • Asset lifecycle & depreciation management

    • Seamless Inventory management & report generation

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    Easy to

    Understand Reports

    No more confusion or complex data interpretation - our Easy to Understand Reports feature ensures that critical financial insights are readily available, enabling you to steer your business towards success with confidence.

    • Reports based on NFRS standards.

    • Separate tax & general reports.

    Get started with Nepal E-billing today and manage

    your finances better than before